I’m looking for a final 4 people (or 2 couples) to attend this total immersion in coaching.
We now have dentists joining us from the UK, South Africa and Sweden, travelling in especially to attend.
The retreat is open to anybody who owns an existing dental business whether NHS, mixed, private or specialist from single or multiple locations:
You have (or are about to) recently acquired a business and want a clear plan for growth
You have an existing business that has reached a glass ceiling and want to break through
You are thinking about your exit strategy and want to “polish the silver” before the sale
You feel as if you can do much more in business and require some mentoring
You are about to move beyond one location and start to grow a small group
You own a micro-corporate and seek effective strategies and tactics for controlled growth
You want some time away from the noise to think
There is an Eventbrite page that includes everything you need to know: