I met Dr. Sonika Burger at The Campbell Academy One Year Implant Course last Thursday.
My presentation was the usual Chris Barrow content on "marketing for implants in independent practice" and I shared with my audience some examples of practice videos and patient testimonials.
In the break, Sonika approached me to ask if I would look at her practice web site and, in particular, their "show reel" video.
In just 2 minutes you will learn that they are at the front line in technology and excel in customer service.
Is it any wonder that they opened the practice as a private squat just a few years ago and yet are steadily expanding?
This is a great little "show reel", it's marketing at it's best and I've no doubt that they have a fine future.
Sonika's pride in her achievement and love for her work was simply infectious.
You have a really good site. Still missing a few articles about gaming because it's a huge part of today's technology. For example, there is a good company that develops games. This is Argentics. The company has already developed games such as Graviton Zero and Try Hards. If you haven't played these games yet, then definitely play them.