The Idea
Have an idea that makes a positive difference to people.
Make what you do and the way that you do it both unique and desirable.
Ask yourself the question “what could we do that would have people form a queue?”
The Spreadsheet
Know the numbers – inside out.
Learn to dance with a spreadsheet.
Build the spreadsheet that demonstrates what capital expenditure and ongoing revenues you will need to get the idea off the runway and up to maximum cruise.
Make the spreadsheet capable of tweaking so that you can play with different scenarios.
The People
Design the perfect organisational structure that allows you to focus 80% of your time on your unique ability and 20% of your time leading and managing your people.
Establish the roles, responsibilities and characteristics of all the people you will need.
Hire the right people – be uncompromising in your choices, be prepared to fail fast.
The Resources
Decide what resources you will need to deliver a remark-able experience.
Include the investment in the best resources in your spreadsheet.
Invest in the best resources – provided they feed you and don’t eat you.
The Targets
Establish the performance targets.
Measure, monitor and hold your people accountable frequently.
The Plan
Figure out how you are going to do it.
Do it.
p.s. make frequent course corrections – your plan is always broken.