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a blog by Chris Barrow

A trip to Milan and Lake Como – how an inspired leader shares his success with his team

I’m coming to the end of two years of active coaching with Dr. Riaz Yar and the team at The Square Advanced Dental Care in Hale Barnes, Cheshire.

That’s about 15 minutes walk from my home and so yesterday I enjoyed the unusual pleasure of walking to my client meeting through the autumn leaves of my own post code.

Riaz and I spent some time reflecting on the journey we have made together.

I commented that he is a completely changed man from the stressed out Principal I first met.

The details don’t matter but Riaz and his senior team have had to deal with some tough issues, whilst renovating the physical structure of the practice and making significant changes and additions to the team.

The word “transformation” springs to mind – and that was certainly reflected in the financial performance I reviewed with Practice Manager Bridget Lea on my arrival.

There’s a buzz about the place that wasn’t there when I first walked through the door in late 2017 – business is good and there’s room for more.

Riaz also enthusiastically shared with me some of the latest Powerpoint treatment plans he is presenting to patients.

Credit where it’s due, by the way, to Tracy Stuart from NBS Training, who has been working with the team to improve their patient journey.

So my work, for now, is done and next year Riaz and the team will become dormant clients until the next time, although they will continue to enjoy the monthly content we create in The Extreme Business Academy.

“Would you like to see our video from Milan?” was his last question.

Following the huge changes that have taken place at The Square, Riaz decided back in 2018 that it would be appropriate to take the team for an annual overseas celebration.

I was keen to see their adventures in one of my old stomping grounds, Lake Como, and so we enjoyed a 5-minute reflection on their voyage.

With consent, I share that with you now.

It’s a 5-minute compilation with an x-rated soundtrack – but for me it demonstrates perfectly a characteristic of good leadership – sharing the success and showing appreciation for all the hard work that has been invested to turn The Square into a champions league practice.

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Jul 20

Coach Barrow's article on a trip to Milan and Lake Como highlights how an inspired leader shares success with his team through memorable experiences. This journey not only showcases Italy's beauty but also emphasizes the importance of leadership and team bonding. Märkte Lago Maggiore

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