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a blog by Chris Barrow

A few R’s to think about (and share with your team)


  1. your monthly email newsletter reminds prospects and patients about other people whose lives you have changed for the better


  1. your recall system is an opportunity to say thank you to your existing patients for their loyalty, to repeat the benefits of regular attendance, to request referrals and to reveal what “people like them” are buying


  1. your reactivation email sequence brings back prospects and patients who took away treatment plans but didn’t take up treatment


  1. your patients are your unpaid salesforce and will share remark-able experiences that you deliver, becoming ambassadors for your brand


  1. you primarily recruit new patients in 2016 via digital marketing


  1. whether it’s Google or Facebook, Trip Advisor or What Clinic?, prospects increasingly read reviews before they buy, whether it’s leisure, white goods, fashion, experiences, electronics or, now, healthcare


  1. Winning teams show respect for each other and for the patients they serve

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