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a blog by Chris Barrow

The One Dish

Seth Godin talks about a restaurant that serves “the one dish that people would drive across town to buy.”

What’s your “one dish?”

Please don’t tell me that you deliver state of the art dentistry in a relaxed and comfortable environment – pretty much every dental web site contains that statement, either in writing or on video.

Your “one dish” could be:

I’ll drive across town because:

  1. this dentist has placed more implants than anybody else I can find

  2. this practice has more positive reviews that any other

  3. this practice opens at the times that suit my crazy schedule

  4. this practice sent me the most amazing treatment plan pack I have ever seen (and followed up in a professional way)

  5. this practice has parking/is close to a transport hub

  6. this dentist/TCO/team really do deliver a business class experience

  7. this practice was recommended by my best friend

  8. I took a look at their web site and social media and realised that people like me visit people like them

  9. I trust, respect and like them

Please don’t tell me that your “one dish” is that

  1. this practice has the lowest price

  2. this practice offers 0% finance

  3. this practice gives discounts

People will drive across town for that – but they are the wrong people.

What’s your “one dish?”

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