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a blog by Chris Barrow

Monthly management meeting

It’s amazing how quickly they keep coming around – and today was a full crew, with Barbara, Simon, Paul and a welcome visit from Steph. Our focus was new client acquisition – our beloved dentists have a gold medal in procrastination and so I have implemented some of the rules that made me successful as a financial planner in the 80’s: 1. A HOTlist (where the H.O.T. means “hanging out there” – people who have told us they want to join The Dental Business School but have not committed pen to paper); 2. A pipeline (where we monitor those who have completed the application paperwork but we haven’t had their money!). So a good part of today’s meeting was discussion around over 40 practices who are in the HOTlist and a further 7/8 in the pipeline. This, of course, raises my spirits considerably because I can see a future flow of income into the business. Paul Nelson now has primary responsibility to follow through – I’ll be standing in the wings to help where called. I’m enjoying this regression to the 80’s – I like the cut and thrust of it. I celebrated by inviting everyone to a light lunch on the Terrace of The Southgate Hotel in Exeter.

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