My congratulations are offered this morning to two organisations:
FMC for the superb Stars of Dentistry on Friday, surpassing the previous year in content, style and attention to detail – you really should make a date of 15th June 2018 and plan to attend;
Bridge2Aid for their equally impressive annual conference on Saturday. My colleagues on stage did a superb job and we were moved by the personal stories, the humour and the serious side of things.
In amongst all of the wisdom of this 48 hours, a simple phrase from Kieran Weil on Saturday had me reaching for a notepad:
to progress what we need is a shift in consciousness and not a new bundle of paperwork
It doesn’t even matter in what context this statement was made, as it could be applied to just about every one of our businesses and organisations.
Great companies and causes do not evolve by inventing more forms to fill in, they grow when people change their thinking.
Even in my day to day work with clients, I can rattle on for hours in front of owners, managers and teams but unless that shift of consciousness takes place, nothing much gets done.
Which begs the question, how does that shift take place?
The clue is in the conferences.
When world-class clinicians, academics, experts and volunteers share their own stories, we are inspired to reflect upon our own untapped potential and how this can be unleashed and channelled.
On Friday some in the audience shifted their consciousness and imagined themselves as great clinicians fashioning exquisite work.
On Saturday we imagined ourselves out in Tanzania, helping on the Dental Volunteer Programme or working with the B2A team. We imagined ourselves fund-raising in the UK and volunteering with local events and conferences.
Sometimes we need to get out of our hamster wheel, physically and mentally, to realise that we have more to give.
A shift in consciousness can take you and your team from good to great – and beyond.