In amongst the bewilderment of tiered lockdown, the relentlessness of Groundhog Days and the COVerload of "everything else", it's easy to fall prey to some unsuccessful habits.
Here's a few I've found myself manifesting:
Procrastination - faffing about before starting an important task;
Distraction - getting sidelined by emails, newsletters, conversations and posts about Bright Shiny Objects (BSOs) - "stuff" (like bikes, software, running gear and the iPhone 12) and other people's business ideas that I might be missing out on;
Burn out - working too hard for too long and then simply running out of energy, unable to function - staring at the screen.
I spend many hours, sometimes feeling like the cobbler's son, listening to my clients describe the same challenges - and offering my advice.
Here's what I find myself saying......
That we need to focus on three issues:
The Art of Extreme Self Care - visit the book on this subject by coach Cheryl Richardson
Financial security - you have to be able to pay the bills, personally and professionally - and so, as you all know - "Turnover is vanity, profit is sanity and cash is king"
Leadership - motivation isn't working - you can only inspire - "The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.” -John Maxwell
Note the first of these is Extreme Self Care.
I learned a long time ago that you are no use to anybody if you are broken. Whilst tending to others, we all need to ensure that we heal ourselves.