A rather better view from today’s hotel window – of the great Labour white elephant, The Millenium Dome, and Canary Wharf behind it. I’m here for three days, ostensibly to visit the Dental Showcase at the amazing ExCel Conference and Exhibition Centre, although I’m not at all sure when I will finally make it through the door. The last 2 days have been hectic to say the least. Workshops in Leeds and Birmingham and a series of late evening drives across the UK in all sorts of inclement weather. Driving along motorways after dark, tired and with spray washing against the windscreen is one of my least favourite chores – I want a driver next year! This week has been quite amazing – at The Dental Business School we have suddenly been the beneficiaries of a tsunami of enquiries about our various services, from one-day workshops, through the core programme to some high-powered 1:1 coaching I’ve decided to do for just a few personally invited clients. A quick estimate this morning reveals that we are currently in negotiation on over £150,000 of projects and that’s 25% of our annual sales target – what’s stunning is that all of that has manifested itself in the last THREE days – I just cannot believe it but it’s all gone bonkers. Good bonkers that is. Team CB are responding as fast as we can – and taking great care not to
over-promise and under-deliver and
slip back into the time-based economy and thus
kill me!
Today I have stayed in my hotel to cope with the demand for phone calls, emails – and to prepare for a dental webinar I will be attending as a guest later this evening. Now there IS an innovation – a company offering webinars for UK dentists. I’ll be finished at 9.30pm and straight into a supper meeting with Dr.John Barry of Isoplan. Tomorrow – emails and calls all morning from mission HQ (my room) and then into Central London for a meeting with a coporate accountant (the chap I met in Glasgow last week). Working dinner Friday night. Saturday morning I’ll finally get into the darned Showcase. Good bonkers – as I said.