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a blog by Chris Barrow

Why some of us ZUG

Before I start – it’s 1st April and I have no pranks planned – but I am congratulating myself this morning because it’s a year today that I became a non-smoker- well done me.

To the point.Â

I love the marketing that the makers of the Mini-Clubman are doing in the USA.

You can see their web site here.  How do we take a blatantly ugly little car in a big car economy and make it desirable?Â

Make it an expression of individuality – that’s smart.Â


But what I love the most is the language they have created in their printed advertisements, one of which was inserted into my latest issue of Wired magazine.Â


I repeat it here – because it is just so cool.



We live in a world of mass-produced sameness.Â

Originality has fallen prey to predictability. Â

The status quo has finally become the status quo.Â

And even the copies have been copied.Â

Which is why some of us ZUG.Â

ZUG is the belief that there is still much to be discovered.Â

It is the feeling that we are the first, the last and the best version or ourselves that there will ever be.Â

ZUG is about moving confidently in our own direction, with no apologies.Â

And ZUG is about going that way in style.Â

The Mini Clubman is ZUG.Â

It looks odd.

It runs on irregular.

It is the brown sheep of the family.

It may not be right for you.

Then again, you might not be right for it.Â

The road of ZUG. ZUG isn’t necessarily good or bad.

It just is. It’s the oddball member of an already slightly eccentric family.Â

Maybe you’re ZUG.Â

Maybe you’re not.Â

In the end it doesn’t matter much, because there’s plenty of room on the road for everybody.Â

ZUG (zUHg) adjective, verb, noun.Â

1. To be unlike others.

2. To do something different.

3. A place in SwitzerlandÂ



Inspired and beautiful – that’s the only way I can describe this – marketing at it’s finest.Â




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