Are you selling a thing or a relationship?
“buy my thing”
“buy me”
“buy us”
“buy our values”
Your thing is just a different thing from the last one.
There are some clever companies who can endlessly sell us the upgraded thing – we all know who they are and we all know who we are when it comes to upgrade time – early or late adopters.
The customer who is looking for a thing will be price sensitive and litigious.
The client who is looking for a relationship less so.
It’s all too easy in dentistry to talk about everyone as a patient or a provider.
Patients can be sub-divided into customers (looking for things) and clients (looking for a relationship).
Who would you rather serve?
That’s why Millennial dentists are prepared to work for less money in the private sector – a UDA is a thing.
That’s why NHS corporates exist – to sell things – enough things by 31st March to escape a penalty for not selling enough things.
Providers can be sub-divided into thing sellers and relationship builders.
Thing sellers – they don’t need a business coach – they just need a cheaper, faster, easier thing.
Relationship builders – they need a business coach – they want to know how to build better relationships with their teams, their providers and their clients.
I’m selling me and my core values – I can show you how to build better relationships with more people in less time.
If you like, I can also show you a thing or two.
What are you selling?