Its been a productive day in The Bunker.
I woke at 06:30 and decided to crack on with the BIG TASK today, after taking Annie a “happy birthday” cuppa.
On 10/11 January we hold our first 2-day meeting of 2014 for members of The 20 group, at the lovely 38Devonshire seminar suite in Marylebone.
I’m delighted to say that, since launch on 1st September 2013, we have now filled 17 of the available places and so my “super-goup” of clients who really want to go places is almost full.
These are people with whom I will attend a monthly management meetings at their premises and, in addition, invite their managers to a training day every quarter and, on the following day, invite the owners to a leadership day.
This way the clients get the benefits of 1:1 coaching with my good self, connection with the 7c team and also the community benefits of each other’s experiences.
(Enough of the advert – 3 places left).
My BIG TASK today was to create the content for the leadership day on 11th – to smash through it one sitting.
So – from 07:00 this morning to 15:30 (including a break for this morning’s dog walk and a brunch) I have sent off assessment forms, workbooks, slide shows and mind maps:
Clean Sweep 100
Personal 90-day goals
Professional 90-day goals
a Leadership Powerpoint
Workbook 1 – the 3-year vision
Workbook 2 – time management
Monthly management meeting agenda
Contents and Introduction for the T20 workbooks
a 2014 re-write of The Perfect Imperfectionist
7 steps to Start-Up Confidence (new mind map)
7 steps to Growth Strategy Confidence (new mind map)
7 steps to Exit Strategy Confidence (new mind map)
and my head is now truly frazzled.
The baton now passes to the unflappable Jon Barrow and the team at ApexHub, to turn my imagination into printed material for our T20 members.
To say that’s a weight off my mind would be an understatement. As I mentioned yesterday – that’s another one of the major hard tasks off my list for this week.
Along the way I’ve been helping a good friend to deal with an “issue” and also transferring some of the archives on a spare hard disk drive across to Dropbox as part of a Spring Clean of all my drives this week.
Annie has just pulled up on the tarmac drive after a quick shopping expedition, we are due to take the dogs out again (with Jon Barrow and Indie) and then it will be a cool down before preparing for this evening’s entertainment – a long soak in the bath, a cheeky cocktail, a birthday dinner for the lovely lady at Hale Grill before we see the New Year in and hopefully catch Jools Holland.
If you do manage to catch this post – my sincere thanks for your constant support and best wishes for a fabulous evening – see you in 2014!