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a blog by Chris Barrow


There has long been a distinction between:

  1. time based coaching – “I want my 8 hours with you, I’ve paid for my 8 hours with you – so keep talking”

  2. results based coaching – “I don’t mind how long we talk – if I get my answer in the first 2 hours its been worth it – and then we can play”

Today with Lea and Louis Linster is a perfect example of the latter.

Part of the mid-term project here for 7connections is to help Lea to monetise her personal brand.

She is a celebrity chef and published author of cook books in Germany, appears as a judge on The Taste and also owns two restaurants and a delicatessen in Luxembourg.

We agree that e-commerce and m-commerce create a huge opportunity to create multiple streams of income – and that data capture and lead generation will be the first step in that process. That’s where we come in.

So there is a huge amount of work to be done by all the 7connections team – the last 6 months have been about imagineering that bigger future – strategic planning.

But today’s proposed meeting with her branding and marketing consultants had to be postponed as they were called out of the country.

So I arrived in Luxembourg city centre this morning to meet Louis at the deli (opposite the Parliament) and was informed that there was no agenda for the day.

My immediate reaction was frustration and some guilt (a month’s fees for nothing?).

Lea arrived shortly afterwards and I shared my concerns about “value for money”.

She asked me not to worry – to enjoy a day of chat about our lives, a walk around the city centre and a wonderful lunch at a nearby Italian restaurant.

What a smart lady.

She knows I will be there for her and the business for years to come – and I will always give of my best – because she understands that its about the end result and not a ticking clock.

20 clients like this and you have true success.

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