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a blog by Chris Barrow

Todoist launches a great new feature that can help TCOs to monitor their sales pipeline

I’m frequently contacted by people who have products and services of relevance to my clients. For over 25+ years I have maintained a policy that I do not accept introducers fees or commissions – I simply broadcast and comment on good ideas.

Having used many print media and cloud-based time and task management systems over the years, here at Extreme Business we settled on Todoist because of its simplicity, clean looks and smooth functionality across multiple devices and across our team.

This week they have launched a new beta version feature, known as "Boards" that makes Todoist even more useful - especially when you are monitoring a sales pipeline, whether that's new coaching clients or potential new patients.

Simply put, "Boards" allows you to create a timeline of events in the same way as "Pipedrive" (another cool CRM application) within your principal task management application.

You can build the timeline of events, for example:

  • Initial video consultation

  • First TCO assessment

  • First clinical consultation

  • Treatment plan preparation in progress

  • Treatment plan presentation booked

  • Proceeding and in treatment

  • Treatment completed and End of Treatment Review booked

  • End of Treatment Review completed

  • Patient added to recall system

Then, create a panel for each patient (to which you can add and edit detailed notes) and move the panel across the timeline as the patient progresses.

It's a very visual way of seeing where you are up to with individual prospects - a lovely change from the tedium of notebooks, printed reports, spreadsheets or post-it notes.

It can be viewed on any device, wherever you are, and will sync in real time as you make changes - so a TCO working remotely can carry your complete sales pipeline around (passwords can be added for increased security of data).

All the data can be shared with team members, including the clinicians required to deliver treatment.

We use the top version of Todoist which, at just £4.00 pcm per team user is fantastic value for money.

I love the concept of Boards and I'll be using it myself to manage projects as well as prospects.

You can read more about Boards HERE and watch a short explainer video for Todoist below:

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