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a blog by Chris Barrow

Three days

We wake to the start of a Christmas week like no other in recent times.

The fears around Tiers and travel, the media coverage yesterday of "Christmas is cancelled", the UK locked out of other countries because we are now at risk of spreading the new strain, the lorry queues in Kent and likely impact on the supply chain when we fall in to a no-deal/low deal Brexit.

Let's throw in the NHS targets referenced in my Friday post (watch out for the BDA webinar on this tomorrow at 13:00 - members can register on their web site).

Can we think of anything else to stir into the mix? You probably have your own local problems with patients, team, clinicians, equipment, supplies, software......

Three days to go - what could possibly go wrong?

If, like me, you are working this week, it's important to remember our leadership responsibility between now and Wednesday evening.

As I mentioned to my Bahrain webinar audience on Friday morning, as a leader you are:

  • the custodian of the vision

  • the example of the standards of performance and behaviour you expect from others

  • the creator of environments (in which some people choose to become self-motivated)

  • the person who understands what makes other people tick

  • the effective delegator

As a leader - everyone is looking at you for a clue as to how they should feel.

So do me a favour this week - don't take part in the bitching, moaning and whining.

It's tough, I know, because you are weary and you need a rest.

Just give me three days will you please?

Three days in which you stay positive, stay focused and inspire those around you with possibility.

The possibility that, whatever is thrown at us, we will get through it and emerge the other side leaner, fitter and better.

Ready for a bigger future.

Just give me those three days - then you can rest for a while.

Positive : Focused : Inspirational

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