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a blog by Chris Barrow

Things about dental practice marketing that I believe in (and some things I’m not convinced ab

Based on the last 6 months of listening to my clients……

Things about dental practice marketing that I believe in

  1. A well constructed web site with

  2. video showreel introduction to the premises and team

  3. no stock photos anywhere

  4. free guides that can be downloaded in return for email addresses and permission to add the subscriber to a newsletter database

  5. on-line booking

  6. live chat (when there is someone live!)

  7. links to social sites

  8. lots and lots of patient testimonial videos

  9. SEO done properly with specific instructions on

  10. treatment modalities and

  11. locations

  12. Social media management full of human interest stories

  13. created on Facebook

  14. repurposed across other social channels

  15. Instagram

  16. Twitter

  17. Linkedin

  18. requests to “check in” on Facebook (for charity) and to respond to the subsequent automated review request (for charity)

  19. A weekly practice blog full of human interest stories – up to 250 words

  20. A monthly email newsletter full of human interest stories – up to 1,000 words

  21. A morning huddle to discuss the day list and identify patients with human interest stories or those at the end of treatment

  22. An End of Treatment Conversation that requests

  23. selfies

  24. reviews (with an explanation handout)

  25. video or written testimonials

  26. plan membership

  27. Weekly marketing meetings

  28. Treatment Co-ordinators

  29. Marketing champions

Things about dental practice marketing that I’m not convinced about

  1. Paid digital media

  2. Google advertising

  3. Facebook advertising

  4. Newspaper advertising

  5. except for a few specialised subjects i.e. dentures

  6. Automated email marketing systems that are not controlled in-house

  7. Team members trying to squeeze marketing on top of other responsibilities, especially reception and nursing

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