The Ultimate Sales Machine: Turbocharge Your Business with Relentless Focus on 12 Key Strategies by Chet Holmes My rating: 5 of 5 stars View all my reviews This is simply the best book on sales, networking and CRM that I have ever read. Its not often I say this but I am going to schedule some time to go back through this book with a highlighter, create a summary of the key points in Evernote and then incorporate them into my own work habits and those of the team at 7connections. I am going to recommend that all of my clients read this book – I may even buy them all a copy. I am going to incorporate the contents into the coaching I share with my clients. The title may be off-putting but the content is inspirational. Holmes talks about pig-headed discipline and determination – qualities that have carried the 7connections team through the last 6 months and will continue to guide us. What pours out of this book on every page is the PASSION that Holmes has about his work and about getting results for his clients. The huge, enormous, game-changing poke in the eye that the book gave me in the last few days is that I am in SALES, you are in SALES, we are all in SALES – and that without SALES all the talk is just talk. SALES pays the bills – not talk, not planning, not spreadsheets, not social media, not meetings, not even marketing. You have to get face to face with someone and SELL them something. Did I say SALES enough times there to make my point? 😉 This book has made a huge difference to my attitude this week and it is going to make an equally significant difference to my aptitude over the weeks ahead. Strange how knowledge like this appears just when you need it? I’m putting this post out there in the knowledge that 60% of the those who subscribe to this blog will not read this post, 70% of those who read it will take no action, 20% will read the book and do nothing about it and 10% will allow the contents to change their habits. That’s a net 4 out of 100. If you are one of those 4% – enjoy the difference and I’ll see you in the SALES department.
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