There is a lot of confusion in the world of digital marketing that can lead the unwary to an inaccurate conclusion about financial and relationship ROI.
One area of confusion is in understanding the differences between three types of provider in this landscape:
The Optimiser
The Advertiser
The Marketer
The Optimiser works to get your web site on Google Page #1 of organic search for the search terms that you specify.
The Optimiser is interested in noise.
The Advertiser works to get your product placement adverts (i.e. “we do implants”) noticed and engaged with on a variety of social platforms, notably Google and Facebook but also including places such as You Tube, Instagram, Pinterest.
The Advertiser is interested in products.
The Marketer works to position your stories (about patents whose lives you have changed for the better) in places where your existing patients, their family, friends and colleagues and, occasionally, visiting strangers, will read or see them, more importantly, share them.
The Marketer is interested in people.
Optimising is about simply shouting loudest in the places that you want to shout.
Advertising is about unqualified visibility.
Marketing is about whispering to the genuinely interested and appreciative.
Imagine, if you will, that you were trying to raise money for a good cause.
An Optimiser would stand outside a station and shout “please give me money”. She is begging for attention.
An advertiser would pin notices to lampposts all over town. He wants what he is doing to be seen.
A marketer would quietly ask their friends for help. She wants a relationship.
Don’t confuse these activities – they are fundamentally different behaviours designed to produce very different results.
They all have an ROI when done properly.
Which of them you choose to use is simply a matter of style, not function.