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a blog by Chris Barrow

The Implant Accelerator Programme 2023

  1. Have you struggled to get moving with implants in your practice?

  2. Have you completed an implant course but need support to get moving forward?

  3. Do you want to build a recession proof treatment option in your practice?

  4. Do you want a course with World Class speakers, that have been there and got the T-Shirt?

  5. Do you want to sign up to a course that “Gives” more than it takes?

The Implant Accelerator Programme has the answers to all these questions and more.

It will give you the physical tools has well as the knowledge.

Kick Starter in March :

  • Find your patients, assess them, and learn the communication skills to build trust and understanding with your patient base, giving you the correct foundations for business growth.

  • Plan your cases digitally and an introduction to the hot topic of guided surgery, why guess the right place for an implant when you can plan it and place it guided. Another business growth tool.

  • Hands on desktop training in our brand-new state of the art training centre, all only a car journey away in the “Lakeland Paradise” of Fermanagh. Then take the opportunity to view a live surgery.

  • All delivered by two of the best experts in their field James Hamill and Chris Barrow.

Webinar touch points before we meet again in June.

  • The Marketing Master, Chris Barrow. Chris will shoot from the hip and not spare the punches in the dos and don’ts of how to market your practice.

  • Marcos White delivers everything you need to know about treatment coordination and the patients journey through your practice. This will give you the tools to retain your patient base and spread the word, another business growth tool.

  • James Hamill shows you how to cover your ass!! Consenting and communication with the patient is the fine line between a happy patient and legal action.

Now we’re moving: June

  • You have done the surgery, now let’s get the patient smiling!

  • Restorative training on choosing the right option for the treatment and the patient.

  • Materials, screws, torque values, singles, multi units, overdentures and everything in between.

  • Delivered by the Sergio Bernardes, all the way from Brazil. Sergio designed most of the items you will be placing and is the Head of New Product Development & Clinical Practice at Neodent.

Webinar touch points before we meet again in October.

  • GBR bone grafting by Andoni Jones, another international speaker, if you don’t have bone Andoni will help you make it!

  • Hatem Algraffee will give you the skills to better manipulate soft tissue allowing for a better result for the patient.

  • Sergio is back again with immediate placement protocols; this will save you chair time and adds another string to your bow with treatment offerings.

Up and Running: October

  • Immediate placement and advanced full arch surgery.

  • Implant maintenance, avoid problems and build a hygiene focused aftercare service.

  • Present your cases and let’s have a dinner, plenty of drinks and future gaze!!

Accelerator implant programme
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