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a blog by Chris Barrow

The Gappy Book

Part of my job is to spot trends. Sometimes to deliver tough love. Like the dentist who sent me (overnight) the design for his new website – and it’s crap. I have to tell the truth. So here’s my report this week. I’m getting emails and phone calls from all over the place to say……. “gappy book” Hygiene and Dental. Time to take stock. • re-run ALL the numbers • do a sensitivity analysis (if it carries on like this, what will my cash flow look like?) • look at operating costs • look at people who aren’t pulling their weight – staff and fee-earners • look at work and patients that drag you down • prepare to batten down the hatches Blood is thicker than water. 1. your family 2. your business partners 3. your team 4. your suppliers 5. your self-employed sub-contractors That’s the order of importance. It’s getting tough out there. Consider – Decide – Act.

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