Of course I am going to rave about The Campbell Clinic – I was present when this was a possibility in Colin Campbell’s imagination and I have been privileged to see that vision become a reality. Attending last night’s launch to the regional GDP community in Nottingham was a great pleasure, sharing the stage with Colin and Laura Horton, having fun with the audience (as we imagined the next 10 years in dentistry) and meeting old friends and new. I have no doubt that more unusual photographs from the ever-talented Stuart Reekie will follow. I want to pay tribute to Colin’s support team, whose enthusiasm and belief is a palpable electricity in the room and whose talent is self-evident. Before the delegates arrived last night, they quietly surrounded Colin and toasted the future success of the Clinic and his leadership – just a small moment of appreciation that was a huge recognition of the countless hours of personal and professional development that he has invested in recent years. The branding of The Campbell Clinic is a text book exercise in launching a practice – I don’t know if I will be able to persuade Colin to enter for an award but, if they did, they would be serious contenders. From the web site, through the literature for patients and GDP’s, to The Campbell Academy (providing a full syllabus of post-graduate courses) – even down to the branded bags, notepads, coffee cups and, yes, cupcakes (one night only) – the team have done a superb job. Last night wasn’t the finish line – it was the starter pistol. I have no doubt that The Campbell Clinic will be recognised in the future as one of the top “Champions League” practices in the UK – and it has been a special honour to be involved in that evolution. Today – Laura will be running a TCO training session for Colin’s referring GDP’s and team members – at the top of her trade as usual. Colin and I will be meeting for a 1:1 coaching day, looking at the present and the future – the strategies and tactics that will keep them at the top. The team will be back at work in West Bridgford, delivering the best clinical care and customer service in the business. Anybody with the slightest doubt about the optimistic future for the independently owned practice need look no further. It can be done.
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Thinking Business
a blog by Chris Barrow
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