Last night our last Forum of 2022, reasonably well-attended, given the time of year.
Some of our usual panelists were unavailable due to Christmassy commitments but we still managed a lively conversation and questions from the audience on such diverse topics as:
How to work out holiday entitlement given another extra Bank Holiday in 2023;
What to do about someone off sick who is "self-certifying"?
Christmas bonuses;
Pay rises in the current economic climate;
Aggressive poaching by dental corporates;
Goodwill values and the state of the acquisitions market;
How to interview a new private associate.
And more besides.
Our first "Covid-19 Business Confidence Forum" took place on 19th March 2020 - yes, the week before lockdown - and since then our panelists have been volunteering their services to help those who, back in the day, felt isolated and bewildered by events.
Perhaps less so now, but we continue to offer guidance and, hopefully, the confidence that we all have a bigger future.
The whole experience has been a positive affirmation of the power of community and that dentistry is populated by some really nice people.
The Business Confidence Forum will continue in 2023 - the panellists have discussed and agreed that we are going to meet once a month (unless we fall back in to crisis mode) and we will give you plenty of notice of that in the New Year.
For now, I thank those panellists on your behalf - and our audience, who never fail to stretch us.
p.s. Would you like to join our panel? We are always on the lookout - if you feel you could help, please email me at coachbarrow@me.com