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a blog by Chris Barrow

The 100% Growth System – Part 4

Writer's picture: Chris BarrowChris Barrow

If you have the PDF download for this series you will see the internal web form in the red hexagon either side of “telephony”. If you haven’t yet downloaded the free PDF you can do so by clicking immediately below. So what is an internal web form and how does it work? This is a secret and private page on the web that is separate from your website and your practice management software and will never be seen by the public – only by you and your team. We’ve been running automated marketing systems for our clients for over 2 years now and have noticed that there are many new patient enquiries that are not necessarily the result of web traffic and may have been prompted by your direct marketing or by a referral:

  1. a telephone call to the front of house team or

  2. a personal visit to the practice or

  3. a direct email

  4. a direct on-line booking

Hopefully, that enquiry results in a new patient consultation with a clinician or TCO. It occurred to us that such an enquiry doesn’t necessarily experience the benefit of your short term email sequence. No White Paper on their chosen treatment modality. No information about your practice and your people. No existing patient testimonials. Which, if you stop to think about it, is crazy. So, we train our teams to ask a simple question at the conclusion of a non-website enquiry: “Mr. Barrow, to confirm, you will be visiting us on Friday 10th at 10:30am for a consultation. Normally, we like to send our prospective new patients some background information on the treatment we have discussed, together with general information on our practice – would it be OK to take a note of your email address now and start that sequence of emails? Every email will end with an unsubscribe button, so you can switch off any time you like. Does that sound OK?” On the assumption that the answer is positive, then IMMEDIATELY after the call or visit, our teams open the internal web form and complete the required fields – here are a couple of examples: Equally, we are asking our TCO’s to check that their new patient consultations include a check to see whether the person they are with has been entered into an email sequence and to make a similar request if not. Teams who get their heads around this are demonstrating a significant increase in lead conversion. It takes just a few minutes but has the obvious advantage of allowing you to build rapport with that prospect before, during and after their treatment planning journey. Additionally, we are discovering that people who don’t immediately take up treatment will happily continue to receive your monthly newsletters and, therefore, are more likely to reactivate at some future point. Finally, prospects who receive emails and newsletters are more likely to share them and refer you. Tactic #6 – complete internal web forms for all new patient enquiries and up-sales to existing patients The Internal Web Form is a little-known gem of an idea and all part of that route to implement The 100% Growth System. Summary so far of The 100% Growth System Tactic #1 – hold accountability meetings face to face with your SEO, Digital and Direct Marketing providers EVERY MONTH AND PREFERABLY FACE TO FACE and ask them the golden question. Tactic #2 – lead your team in actively asking for emails, social connections, testimonials, referrals and networking invitations Tactic #3 – The Lifecycle Marketing Workflow Tactic #4- Create White Paper downloads on your web site for all of the major treatment modalities that you wish to broadcast Tactic #5 – Embed White Paper offers into your existing email newsletters Tactic #6 – complete internal web forms for all new patient enquiries and up-sales to existing patients

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