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a blog by Chris Barrow

Taking some time out to reflect - 6 free PDFs to help you plan

"The Broad Concept Approach" was published in 2000 by American financial planner Harold Zlotnik and described an holistic approach to financial planning by embracing three points of view:

  • Looking back - your story so far;

  • Looking in the mirror - your story today;

  • Looking forward - your future potential story.

It's a philosophy that I was first introduced to in the 1980's, as a member of The Million Dollar Round Table, the top 5% of financial planners worldwide.

Whilst originated to help financial planners to guide their clients with investment and pension planning - the approach serves equally well in a personal and/or business coaching environment.

To that end, I've recently taken some time out to conduct my own "Broad Concept" evaluation as we approach the end of this momentous year.

In so doing, I have taken a large dose of my own medicine and have completed a series of 6 self-evaluation exercises:

  1. Counting your 2020 blessings;

  2. The Chimp Paradox - dealing with your feelings of imposter syndrome;

  3. Your Personal SWOT Analysis;

  4. Your Personal Board of Directors;

  5. Your Business SWOT Analysis;

  6. Your One-Page 2021 Impact Plan.

Taking the protected time to think about and complete these 6 exercises has given me a laser focus on what has to happen to get my 2021 off to a flying start.

I also know that some of my clients have already used this reflective process to plan their own start to the New Year - and have used the Business SWOT and One-Page 2021 Impact Plan as a senior team planning exercise.

I'd love to share with you the 6 PDFs mentioned - completely free of charge and without obligation.

Simply email me with "Broad Concept" in the subject line and I'll send them over:

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