If you were watching my Facebook page this morning, you may have noticed an update to mention that I ordered a new supply of Field of Greens, basically a collection of organic powdered grasses that I dilute into a pint of cold water every morning and down in one, followed by a tea-spoon of Manuka honey.
You can watch the (slightly nutty) video explaining Field of Greens by clicking here.
The low down on Manuka honey by clicking here.
The final piece in my supplements jigsaw is a collection of the following.
The purists will say that Sainsbury cannot sell the “real thing” but it’s convenient and easy – I haven’t the inclination to browse around health stores.
However, the above combination keeps me, I think, a little bit ahead of the game.
This, the Paleo programme and the running will hopefully fuel my batteries for a good few years ahead.