So the detox is done.
Here’s what I said on 10th September 2019 (the day after my birthday):
Let me define my detox:
No alcohol;
Low/no carbs – getting back to Paleo – no bread, potato, pasta, rice. Lots of protein and vegetables;
One day off per week (Saturday). I’m still weighing in at around 12st 4lbs (78 kilo) this morning and my target is to get that back down to 11st, whilst giving my body a good clean out after the summer.
So how did that go?
Success story
Low/no carbs – no bread, potato, rice, pasta and lots of protein and vegetables. That aspect of cleaner eating has been excellent and I’m really enjoying it. I have NO desire to rush out and eat a pizza or binge in any other way;
Didn’t take any days off – a full 52 days;
Weight – down from 12 st 4 lbs to 11st 6 lbs this morning – not quite a stone but feeling much better in my skin and in my clothes.
Not such a success story
I didn’t give up alcohol and there were a few “special occasions” along the way and also a steady trend towards the evening tipple after work;
I didn’t get to 11 st
Overall, however, my lower self-esteem at the end of the summer has been replaced by a growing sense of self-worth and confidence.
That’s been great as our Autumn sales campaign for 2020 coaching clients has rolled out and I’m delighted with the success we are having in that department.
I set a minimum sales target for 2020 (to be reached by 24th December) and we are 96% of that target this morning (and the day isn’t over yet).
I set an ideal sales target for 2020 and we are 66% of that number – with plenty of time to keep on recruiting clients.
So you can imagine that I’m leaving for holiday on a high and so grateful fo my commercial blessings.
What I’m missing is the running – and I genuinely believe that, had I been able to continue with my 10k’s most mornings, the overall weight loss would have been closer to target.
The future?
Annie and I take the dogs to Dumfries and Galloway tomorrow for our annual cottage holiday (after we watch the rugby with our overnight guest Mark Topley).
I do not intend to stray far away from my nutrition of the last 52 days and do intend to take long afternoon walks, sleep later than normal, read good books, watch good TV in the dark evenings, eat, drink and be merry.
When I get back – the Paleo nutrition will continue, the Watt Bike will be used at every opportunity and my Achilles tendinopathy will continue its excruciatingly slow recovery.
Thank you to those who have followed my detox journey and, occasionally, cheered from the sidelines – you made a difference.