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a blog by Chris Barrow

Stick, Twist or Fold?

Option 1- Hold the Line

Don't lose your confidence or resolve, just because there's a lot of media talk about rising energy prices, the drop in Universal Credit and Autumn Budget tax rises.

If people smoke, drink, drive a car or have a Sky subscription - then they can afford to pay for their dentistry.

It's the best time in the last 25 years:

  • to withdraw from the NHS;

  • to introduce a dental plan;

  • to convert from one plan to another;

  • to increase your prices to pay your team more and invest in new technology.

This morning I have 69 dental businesses who are staying in the game and want me to help them grow in 2022; members of our Extreme Business 100.

Option 2 - Jump Ship

I spoke to yet another client last night who has "had enough" of team members sick and/or leaving, associates "gaming" and patients complaining - so they have accepted an offer from a micro-corporate and are giving up on ownership.

They are a man & wife dental team and, after a short earn-out, he is leaving dentistry to do something else and she wants to open a small private squat.

That, by the way, is three clients in the last 7 days who have decide to throw in their cards on ownership and have asked me to guide them through the disposal, get the best price and terms and coach them through their their transition.

Whichever option you choose - it's the right one for you.

Either way - I'll be there to help.

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