“So you paid this guy Chris Barrow to go for a walk with you?”
It might be a question asked of some of my clients after we have enjoyed a “shoot the breeze” day.
We go for a walk for 8 hours (including a lunch stop).
Anywhere you like – can be in the countryside or a city.
Your 3-year vision.
Your 12-month plan
Your 90-day goals
Yours hopes and fears.
Your opportunities and threats.
Preferably fresh air all day.
No interruptions – no phones or Blackberrys
No barriers – we can talk about anything
100% confidentiality on the conversation.
Result: A client who has had a chance to “get away from it all” in an environment that they find inspirational – the space to think clearly and discuss in a “safe place” what to do next with their professional life.
With permission, here is a map of my last STB day with Alex Jones of Penistone Dental Care, waking around Langsett Reservoir in South Yorkshire.