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a blog by Chris Barrow

Price rises in January and video ortho consults

The November content of The Extreme Business Academy is available and includes the following:

  1. A detailed look at why you need to increase your prices for fee per item and plan payments from 1st January, in spite of Covid-19 and recession, and how best to communicate that to your patients (including a template fair-pricing policy);

  2. An interview with orthodontist Dr. Rachel Seed from Garstang Dental Referral Clinic on how she has improved her 2020 productivity by almost 30% by the effective use of video consultations.

The Extreme Business Academy is now 20 months old and is a "go to" archive for instruction and training on the business of dentistry. That's 20 tutorials, 20 interviews with experts/practitioners and 20 webinars - plus our stand-alone courses on marketing, financial management, the patient journey and dental plan implementation.

Every course you take in The Academy generates automated vCPD and you can log that in your own Personal Development Profile online.

At £9.99 p.c.m. or £107 p.a., The Academy represents incredible value for money.

You can find out more (and download our full back catalogue) at

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