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a blog by Chris Barrow

Ping or Pegasus - which is the bigger problem?

As a growing percentage of the population delete their Test and Trace application, members of the Cabinet self-isolate and the unwisely named "Freedom Day" is upon us, it seems we are now being given the opportunity to use "common sense" as the latest weapon in the battle against Covid-19 and its many variants.

God help us all.

Much has been said in recent days about the "rules" inside dental practices and I feel for all teams this morning as they enter a new round of explanation to patients, who are as confused as the rest of us as to what they can/can't, should/shouldn't, will/won't do.

The anti-vaccers (and I am not one of them) have argued that Covid-19 has given those who rule the opportunity to curtail our civil liberties. A protest, the noise of which has either been drowned out by dealing with the pandemic or ignored by the media.

Yet this morning we are greeted by the news that Governments around the world have been buying Pegasus, the mobile phone spying service from NSP Group, to "listen in" to not just terrorists and dissidents but also editors, reporters and human rights lawyers.

One has the feeling that this is the thin edge of a much thicker wedge of violations.

In simple terms - there is no such thing as privacy.

Big Brother knows where you are and can listen to you - no app required.

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