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a blog by Chris Barrow


"A pilgrimage is a journey, often into an unknown or foreign place, where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about their self, others, nature, or a higher good, through the experience. It can lead to a personal transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life."


This post by way of a reminder that I'm enjoying day 1 of our annual pilgrimage to the beautiful Greek island of Ithaca and this blog will be back in two weeks.

I use the word "pilgrimage" intentionally, to differentiate our 17th trip to Vathi since 2004, from a "holiday" in the traditional sense. So this is by no means "an unknown or foreign place" - quite the opposite and, in fact, I would define Ithaca as a "safe place" in which I can search for that expanded meaning.

Yes - of course - we are going to focus on SNEF - sleep, nutrition, exercise and fun - but I've learned over the many years we have returned the place where my brain and spirit, as well as my body, can rest from the hurly-burly of modern life.

I know that the next 4 days will be about detoxing and that I'll then have the space and the energy to breathe and consider the broader concept of my life:

  • To look back at the last 12 months since we were here and ask "what were the wins, what were the challenges and what have I learned?

  • To look in the mirror and ask "what are my strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats right now?

  • To look ahead and ask "what are my plans for the next 3 months, the rest of this year, the next three years and beyond?

In which case, the full-day face to face with my business coach Rachel Turner two weeks ago will form the foundation from which the answers to those questions will emerge - you would almost think I'd planned it that way 🤔

Until the 8th August, from my favourite place, stay safe and I'll see you on the other side.

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