So yesterday I walked out into Belfast city centre and wandered into The Crown, one of my favourite pubs, for a good lunch of Irish Stew (and a small glass of the black stuff).
There I chatted with my waitress, Elaine and, commenting on her lovely smile, she was delighted to tell me that she had invested £2,100 in 6 veneers, a crown and some other work.
“The male staff here at the pub thought I was mad,” she continued, “and that I should have spent the money on a boob job, because I would have generated more tips from the cutomers!”
Elaine, however, is happy with her new, beaming, smile.
Even a pub waitress in Belfast can find the money for the things that she truly wants.
By the way – if you are ever in Belfast, include The Crown on your list – every tourist ends up there – just because the interior hasn’t changed since the place opened in the mid 1800’s – amazing decor of wood throughout, covered in carved graffiti.
Off to Birmingham this morning – and the last “Team-Building” workshop tonight – at one level, it’s been a blast and I have made lots of new friends. At another level, I am truly exhausted (not helped by noisy neighbours in the hotel last night and my calling reception at midnight to ask for the hullabaloo from the next room to be toned down).
I keep on saying that this life isn’t glamorous – I went back to my room at 4.00pm yesterday to shower, shave and change for the workshop – to find that, following a leak, the Hilton had closed their water systems down for repair – no water.
My shave was in the leisure club in cold water – my “shower” was a quick splash in the sink, again in cold water.