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a blog by Chris Barrow

New Dental Graduates on the scrap heap in 2012?

This is the response to our plans for PrivateVT. “This correspondence is now closed” Really? From: Chris Franklin Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2011 at 9:42 AM Subject: Re: unsuccessful FD1 candidates To: Andy Lane Cc: Nicholas Taylor < Dear Andy With the greatest respect it is not your responsibility to advise or provide informed answers to final year dental students as to their options in the event of not obtaining a foundation training place. It is the responsibility of the postgraduate deans and their staff and to some extent deans of dental schools. These students should seek advice from that quarter. The application process for foundation training places in medicine and dentistry is a competitive one and the DH recognises this. This year, in the end, only 22 UK graduates out of a total of just over 900 were displaced by EU graduates, some of whom are UK citizens who decided to obtain a dental school place in the EU outside the UK. As University fees increase to £9000 next year, it is possible that more students will find a place in an EU dental school. As the number of such students is not known and this is a new phenomenon, these numbers are not taken into account by the Government in determining the number of DF1 places. Under current Performers list regulations, assistant posts, working under another dentists performer number is no longer possible in England, though it is in Scotland. DVTA ceased to exist some time ago and so VT equivalence as such no longer exists. Competency assessment has replaced this and is designed for Non -EEA dentists, with ORE and an appropriate work visa, to get on a performers list. Lee’s course and similar ones in other deaneries are designed for these dentists. This correspondence is now closed Yours sincerely Chris Professor Chris Franklin OBE, FRCPath Postgraduate Dean & COPDEND Chair Postgraduate Deanery Office Don Valley House, Savile St East Sheffield S4 7UQ Professor and Hon Consultant Pathologist Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield Claremont Crescent, Sheffield S10 2TA & Honorary Visiting Professor, Sheffield Hallam University Email: Personal web site: Deanery web site: COPDEND web site: PG Office Tel: 0114 226 4454/4431. Fax: 0114 226 4468 Department Tel: 0114 271 7955/7951. Fax: 0114 268 7358

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