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a blog by Chris Barrow

Industry alert: promotion

Set Off Your Practice’s New Year with a BANG

Special offer on Dental newsletters by Stephen Holmes reduced from £750 to just £375 AND guaranteed before 18th December if you order before the 15th December!

It’s well known that 80% of your sales will come from 20% of your customers, so say hello to your patient base this Christmas using one of the most cost effective mediums available in dentistry today.

  1. Get more referrals from your existing patient base by simply asking!

  2. Make it easy for patients to learn more about what’s happening in your business

  3. Direct to your social media for greater engagement

  4. Educate and inform patients on recurring programmes such as Practice Plan

  5. Build brand loyalty and good will

Remember – customer acquisition is far more expensive than retention. Are you making the most out of your existing business assets?

Also half price are e-newsletters and Christmas cards.

Print Newsletter

1-2 pages Uploaded to your website server as a PDF to be viewed online

300 DPI, high quality and crisp print – perfect to keep at reception or direct mailings


Perfect for large emailing lists

Direct patients to various offers or pages within 1 email

Beautifully designed for increased message credibility

Can be forwarded to friends of patients for viral customer acquisition at no additional costs

Christmas Card

A classy elegant touch

Let your patients know you’re thinking about them this Christmas. Can be printed, added to your website, emailed to patients or handed out.

If you believe in a world of modern media that there is still a place for traditional values, call 0800 612 9405 to order or click here.

Kind Regards,

Stephen Holmes

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