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a blog by Chris Barrow

Industry advert: Procrastination Buster Day

Are you frustrated by those jobs that keep appearing on your ‘to do’ list? Does your heart sink every time you think about all the things you’ve been putting off? Can you imagine how wonderful it will feel to finish those tasks you’ve been avoiding?

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The PROCRASTINATION BUSTER DAY guarantees to get you into action once and for all. By taking part you will: ► Get started on that project you’ve been putting off ► Get jobs done that have been on your to do list for AGES ► Take action and keep the momentum going ► Do more in one day than you have in weeks ► Raise money for charity… You don’t need to travel anywhere. All you need is some jobs to be done and access to a phone on Saturday 4th February (10am to 4.30pm) A day like this is worth its weight in gold. I find it incredible how much more I achieved than on an ordinary Saturday. It really works. John Cutts, Personal Development Consultant I found the PBD a fantastic and productive use of time and well worth the investment. It enabled me to totally rearrange my home office to make it more manageable, plus I completed a number of other items that had been on my ‘to-do’ list for months. I would recommend this to anyone! Anna Golawski, Work Life Balance Coach Your investment is only £35 (£5 of which is donated to charity). Success is Guaranteed. Please do join us for an energetic, enjoyable, dynamic and productive day. Spaces are limited. For more information call Annabel on 01747 871196 – email or visit

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