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a blog by Chris Barrow

Has anything really changed in 17 years?

On Tuesday I had a trip down memory lane, presenting a half-day workshop on “Growing your dental practice – an action plan” at The Hilton Watford. Back in the mid-90’s I delivered the first ever Dental Business School workshops in the same room – what fun we had. This time – I ask a few simple questions of the 50 delegates:

  1. “Who has a written business plan?” – 6

  2. “Who has a written mission statement?” – 3

  3. “Who keeps regular and accurate financial monitoring systems?” – 6

  4. “Who invests 5% of sales in marketing?” – 0

  5. “Who takes more than 8 weeks vacation a year?” – 4

  6. “Who monitors associate profitability?” – 2

  7. “Who has a clear exit strategy?” – 0

and it went on in much the same way. Lovely people – don’t get me wrong. Clearly there is much future work for business coaches and consultants. Yet again – during the breaks and after the show I am approached by those who have existing practices and want help and those who are considering future ownership and are blatantly clueless as to what running a dental business will involve. When, when, when are dental students, graduates and trainees going to be given some basic business skills training? And by whom?

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