So we are focusing on leadership this week and I want to start off with a recommendation to my top 3 books on this subject.
1. The 8th Habit, Steven Covey – as always Covey’s books are academic and detailed – they do require you to put your thinking cap on but in the 8th Habit, Covey takes a look at the science of leadership as it applied to large organisations – but with a message that is equally transferable into the ownership of a dental practice.
2. Synchronicity – The inner path of leadership, Joseph Jaworski – an autobiographical account of one man’s journey along the leadership path – especially inspiring to practice owners.
3. Shackleton’s Way – Margot Morrell – a ripping yarn, telling the story of Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition of 1905 but written by a distant relative who is a management consultant. At the end of each chapter (telling the story) there is a summary of leadership principles that we can take away.
There are well over 150,000 books on Amazon dealing with the subject of leadership but these 3 have been especially important to me.
As the week develops I will share will you some further thoughts and observations on this, one of my favourite subjects.