I remember being asked to join GDP-UK by Tony Jacobs back in the late 90’s – and politely declining because I felt that my position as supplier was untenable in his forum – that members would misinterpret posts as subliminal self-promotion. Any regular follower will know that members of the “I hate Chris Barrow” club occasionally pop up here as well as in other social media channels,. Even Tony himself admitted to me a few years ago at the BDA conference (and after a particularly virulent attack) that “the children have to be allowed to play in the sand pit and then brought to order when they step too far” (and Tony I know I’m paraphrasing a conversation). I’m all for a public debate and for the expression of beliefs. 100% certain that I’m never 100% right – I have often changed my mind and sometime apologised. My critics can, however, be found under a common heading:
they have never worked with me
they know nothing of my core values
they have never contacted me direct to voice their concerns
Here we have another example of the genre. I’m not sure who Shaun Howe is – have we met? If so, I can’t remember. I’ve never worked with him that I recall, he knows nothing of my core values, I know nothing of his. I have no idea why he has a beef with me or BKH. I wonder why he “lives in hope” that my business ventures fail? Bizarre. Let me be clear:
I congratulate Shaun and GDP-UK for their intelligence – at 16:30 yesterday afternoon (Monday) the Directors of BKH group signed a resolution to wind up one of the companies in the group for purely commercial reasons
no BKH clients, Partners or SDS license holders will be affected by this decision
there are other companies in the group that are still active
judging by my to do list, my calendar, my client base and my business plans – I am far from “down the pan”
However, it is disturbing to think that this kind of post, without moderation, can affect the job security of 12 people, upset clients, friends and family and yet be published. That is the power of the internet and of the social media that sets us all free – to be the change we want to see in the world. I vote for freedom of expression – after you have checked your facts. Mr Howe – I’m happy to discuss my business with you or anyone – feel free to use the contact form on this site to get in touch.