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a blog by Chris Barrow

Getting Your Year In Gear

I need your help today to make a decision. I’m considering running a 3-month super-fast and dynamic personal and business coaching programme from 1st October to 24th December 2015. 12 weeks

  1. 12 weeks to get ready to create a flying start to 2016.

  2. 12 exclusive one-hour recorded webinars from The Bunker on the subject of business planning so that you can download and watch at a time that suits you.

  3. 12 printed interviews with me on the subject of personal planning that you can download and read whenever you are ready.

  4. 12 self-assessment exercises that you can take whenever you like to measure your current well-being and where to go next.

  5. 12 weeks membership of a private Facebook Group for all participants to share wins and ask questions.

  6. 12 weeks of on-demand coaching by me via email or on-line call.

  7. 12 weekly check-ins with me by email to monitor your progress.

Your Content

  1. Where do you want to go? Creating your vision for 2016;

  2. How are you going to get there? Setting goals for 2016;

  3. How will you know you are on course? Establishing measurement systems;

  4. How will you have time to do this? Managing time;

  5. How will you keep everyone on track? Planning your progress;

  6. Where is the money going to come from? Understanding your finances;

  7. What happens if I make changes? Playing “what-if’s”;

  8. Where do I keep count? The Mother of all Spreadsheets;

  9. How will I get my people onside? Building your team;

  10. How can I clear my desk and my task list? Delegating effectively

  11. How do I get more of what I like best and less of what I like least? Tolerations

  12. How will I keep this up? Habits

Your Investment £300 pcm (inc VAT) for 3 months. Total £900 (inc VAT). Your Outcome A crash course in personal and business development with Chris Barrow – guaranteed to challenge, to entertain and to inspire. THE BIG QUESTION Are you bothered? It’s all very well me getting excited about personal development (I’ll get as much out of this experience as anyone) – but – are you bothered enough to show up or will I be talking to myself? Before I start working on this I’d love a quick show of virtual hands to see if there is an appetite out there. Please email with the subject “GYYIG 2016” and I’ll assume that means you are interested in hearing more. If there are no responses I’ll just coach myself to a better 2016.

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