Friday morning and reasons to count my blessings:
At lunchtime I'll be leaving for my son Alex's stag weekend - delayed from June 2020 for reasons we are all aware of;
Over the weekend I'll be keeping a close eye on my son Josh, who tomorrow is competing in his first European event - the GRAND TRAIL DU SAINT-JACQUES - 3,000 m of climbing over 72 km;
Yesterday we delivered workshop 14 of 14 in the latest series of client sessions on Financial Mastery and I can hand on heart say that I have rarely enjoyed the delivery so much in my 25 years of dental coaching;
The Extreme Business 100 has become a thriving community of practices who are helping each other and allowing me to help them;
On Tuesday my wife travels to New York to celebrate the 40th birthday of the sister she didn't know she had until a few years ago (with the other "new" sister and brother who live there as well as a huge and welcoming family);
Next week I'll be meeting a dental team in Cumbria, then lecturing to a new cohort on The Campbell Academy year-long implant course before flying off to Dubrovnik to present sessions on Leadership to the Align Growth summit;
It's now just 11 days until I fly to Geneva, transfer to Chamonix and then attempt the highest mountains in Italy and France in 6 days of climbing with best friends.
Life is good - and in opposition to the perpetual doom and gloom we are fed by the media, it's as well to reflect on the many reasons we have to be cheerful as we go out into the world today.
What's on your list of blessings this morning?