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a blog by Chris Barrow

Friday morning – and a day for focus

Well I’ve made it (almost) to the end of quite a week. Two fascinating full-day practice visits. Two busy and fun-filled DBS workshops. An excellent conversation with an existing Strategic Alliance partner about how we can combine our talents to deliver services to clients. And today my quarterly professional self-indulgence at The Strategic Coach – sat in a West End hotel room as a delegate and using the time to listen, to think and to plan my next 90 days. I have experienced the best and the worst of customer service in my hotels – there I was in my Hilton presidential suite the other evening – sad to finish here in my travelling salesman’s crappy room at The Bush, Farnham which has now been taken over by Mercure and is demonstrating the very best in mediocrity. This is what a hotel would be like if it were financed by a PCT – complete with inexperienced staff who cannot speak English, supervised by washed-out veterans who are clearly wondering where the good old days disappeared to. This week I learned:

  1. that dental practice valuations are losing touch with reality;

  2. that the late Sir James Goldsmith was correct when he said “if you can see a bandwagon, it’s too late”;

  3. that facial aesthetics continues to be the quick-fix drug of choice for those bewildered and bereft of dental ideas or selling skills;

  4. that average daily production continues to be the single most important KPI in dentistry;

  5. that facility utilisation is the second most important KPI;

  6. that implants are the true growth market;

  7. that I only want to do business or be in business with those who are focused on adding value to clients, whilst generating healthy profits and happy teams;

  8. that the City gets to be stupid with other people’s money and that Woody Allen was correct when he said “a stockbroker is somebody who invests your money until it’s all gone”;

  9. that I am happiest professionally when I am coaching clients – whether its a workshop, a mastermind group or 1:1 practice visit – I absolutely love what I do for a living and I absolutely love the people I do it for and with;

  10. that I am next happiest when I am thinking and planning the growth of my core business and developing content that will add value to my clients;

  11. that I am third happiest when I am writing – ezine/blog/article/content/presentation.

My Unique Ability®. Speak, coach, write – delegate everything else – avoid distractions. I’m off to London on an early train now, with one of my best mates, Tim Thackrah. No doubt we will put the dental world right between Farnham and Victoria..

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