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a blog by Chris Barrow

Feedback – always welcome

This comment on the blog this morning caught my eye:

“Yeh Chris, Go Chris, You’re the greatest Chris” Whats the matter with all you saps? Don’t you realise Mr Barrow is now in competition with you!! Thats right , he’s after your patients, your associates, your team and your profits. And because all you mugs have been paying him to build up a nice little database over the years, he knows where the most profitable practices are situated. Wise up fools, haven’t you learned anything from the thousands of pounds worth of business coaching?

Worthy of a reply – which I emailed this morning as follows:



Just a quickie to say thanks for the giggle this morning — your comment was authentic and entertaining.


For the record — I’m about making other people better off as well as myself — the people who know me , know that.


I can see how it would look to an outsider though — point taken.


I don’t think the dentists I have worked with over the years are “saps” though — they are open-minded, nice people who have appreciated the difference I have made in their lives.


Of course, I’m going into IDH to make some money — but an enquiry as to the nature of the proposition we are building would reveal the benefits to all concerned — patients, team and owners.


Best wishes.



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