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a blog by Chris Barrow

Doing it

A sage once said: “the difference between doing something and not doing something is doing it” Last week I enjoyed a late tipple with Marcus and Louise Spry from Fresh Dental Care in Maidstone. 10 years ago they weren’t enjoying their mixed practice – so they did something about it and converted to private. 5 years ago they weren’t enjoying their private practice – so they did something about it and sold it. 4 years ago they sat at my Cornish dining table and we co-created a 36-month spreadsheet for a new practice. 2.5 years ago they realised a dream and opened a private squat. The spreadsheet (much amended!) became Fresh Dental Care. They did it. They refused to tolerate, took action and evolved. So can you. Marcus, Louise – thanks for the company, the pint and the reminder that there are no limits to our potential.

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