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a blog by Chris Barrow

Does change have to hurt?

It has been suggested that we make change when the pain of making the change is less than the pain of staying the same.

Example 1 : Quitting smoking when the pain of quitting is less than the pain of staying a smoker.

Example 2 : Training for your first Park Run/10km/Half or Full Marathon when the pain of the training is less than the pain of staying sedentary.

Periodically, therefore, it can be useful to ask yourself a question:

"What aspects of my performance and behaviour am I tolerating right now - and what would have to happen for the pain of doing something about it to be less than the pain of staying this way?"

It won't be long now before we start reading about New Year's resolutions - usually comments on the failure rate.

Why not start early?

What are the changes you can make in the next week both professionally and personally to improve your overall performance and behaviour?

Does change have to hurt? Probably - but not as much as not changing.

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