In the second part of this mini series, Richard Charon tells how he stepped out of the high street in Newbury onto the national stage. “I dub thee, The RA Coach” .. and with those six words, which have stayed with me since around 2001/2, CB started both me and my lovely wife Chris (who sat next to me at the time) on a wonderful journey. A journey which has led to me developing into something of an expert in a very niche, but IMHO, important field. One which has allowed me to spread the word and help other dental professionals to help many of their most needy patients in very many ways. I have no doubt that every patient cared for in this way will have their own story to tell but here are just a very few, the tip of an iceberg. Chris gave me the courage, insight and indeed the permission to find and release the teacher and mentor within me. He posed the question around the table of already “Barrowed-up” practitioners, many with considerable problems to wrestle with, what we each did that was unique. I was last in turn to answer- as the others spoke, my mind was churning over- well I had recently started to placed implants – so what? Many others (I thought) were also doing that. At that time I was keen and improving in the field of aesthetic dentistry having been an invited participant in the inaugural and subsequent meetings of BAAD (approx. 1997). I had undertaken a one-year course with Tidu Mankoo on aesthetic dentistry (including aspects of implantology) and in 1999 I had been the first BAAD member , (outside the founding committee members), to present cases on simultaneous triple projectors (this was just pre-digital) at the Celtic Manor conference centre, a bit like walking into Wembley stadium. Not the ideal start for anyone unused to public speaking, certainly not when the audience was a group of peers with a particular interest in the subject. Again I thought – so what, who isn’t an expert in cosmetic dentistry these days. It wasn’t such a USP. So what was it that I did that was a bit different? Bingo. RA. “Well Chris it is a technique we call Happy Air to help nervous patients.” “Tell us a bit about it”. So I did for a couple of minutes. “Can you teach it?” “Well, I’ve never thought about it really, though I have been told I am a good teacher” … in that case, said CB, with appropriate dubbing gestures, “I dub thee, The RA Coach” now go out and do it. So I did. The rest as they say… It took the best part of a year to put together the way in which I felt the subject could be taught and design and rehearse many dozens, if not hundreds of times, the 400+ slides and the practical side of the day’s teaching. Hopefully in a better way to that already available. Certainly in a different way and one which to some extent, from some of the fabulous presentations I had seen from many of the American and European speakers at BAAD. I knew I didn’t have their kudos or experience at public speaking nor the funds to put together a glittering show but I could liven-up what could be a dry topic and help inspire others to help their anxious patients. I believe I have done that judging by the very many testimonials from the delegates I have received. I am always updating and editing the content, though the basic format remains much the same. Well I have just completed my 10th year, delivering 4 courses each year, getting published in many print and on-line sites and having been invited to speak on national platforms. The Dentistry Show to DH &Ts in 2012, by equipment suppliers, RA Medical Services back at the NEC for 2013 Dental Showcase and I am now preparing a return to The Dentistry Show on March 1st speaking on the Dental Nurses Forum. Then early in 2011 I went back to School (Newbury College to be precise) and undertook a short, basic teaching course, now required of those undertaking occasional training courses, the PTTLS award. Another experience that would not have happened had it not been for the journey started 10 years earlier. I am hugely grateful to Chris for his inspirational coaching and mentoring but I cannot complete this without thanking my wonderful wife, Chris too (confusing!), who ran my practice for 23 years, has facilitated every one of the courses I have run, around the UK and three times now in The Republic of Ireland, given me the space I needed to develop, market and run the courses and ensured their success. Chris also went through the 3 years of cb’s dental business school with me. She did all this whilst managing my practice, training dental nurses, taking us through CQC without a hitch and being an all round good egg. Thank you Chris Charon. Make no mistake , this activity has not been about developing a “passive income” but it has provided an additional income stream without me lifting an airotor (metaphorically)and the effort has created a part of my/our exit strategy as I made the decision to sell my practice in 2011, completed in October 2012 on or about my 60th, just as I had planned with CB when I was still in my late 40s. I know others who have been through cb’s program and in very different ways have had their own , not inconsiderable successes but all , no doubt have worked hard at making it happen. In the end I do believe you don’t get ‘owt for nowt – at least in the world I inhabit. You get out what you put in. In the last part of the mini-series I will talk about the next phase of my own professional development as a mentor – on the same subject, with a due nod in the direction of CB. Thanks for getting this far and my best wishes to all for a healthy and successful 2014. About the Author Richard Charon BDS is a Manchester graduate and a SAAD and DSTG (Dental Sedation Teachers Group) accepted mentor with a basic (C&G) teaching award. If you haven’t come across Richard directly or through social media, the simplest way to find out more is to have a look at his website, blog and Facebook Group page. All devoted to raising awareness of and indeed promoting wider patient availability, specifically of Inhalation Sedation (IS) through teaching and mentoring others. He runs his courses across the UK and Ireland with his wife Chris, a sedation-certified RDN and very recently (October 11th 2013) lectured at Liverpool Dental Hospital to a section 63, post-grad audience on R.A. as part of a Deanery, Conscious Sedation update. Richard has a chapter in Stephen Hudson’s Messages From Dental Masters compilation book from many of the UK’s dental thought-leaders. He has also had articles published in the dental press and on-line including Contact:
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