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a blog by Chris Barrow

Dealing with underperforming team members

This from Sital Ruparelia at Authentic Resourcing:

Below are some suggested steps:

I know its ‘work’ – but you’ll find the individual will either raise their game or leave – and save you a big headache:Â

1. Give feedback about the issues that have come up. Ensure the feedback is based on FACT – what happened and the implications, not judgement.


2. Make it clear that issues in number 1 are not acceptable –Â “this falls well below the standards we expect” and confirm The person understands that (keep the tone fair – but ensure they are under no illusion)


3. Ask “what training or support do you need to ensure you meet the required standards going forward.” If the person has a reasonable request, agree and provide


4. Agree a follow up discussion to monitor progress


5. Scribble a few lines and place notes in the personal file so you have a record of discussions


6. Keep having the same conversation when issues arise – and keep a record


Why Bother?


A) It protects you

B) It’s fair to the individual

C) Who will raise their game or leave

C) Minimises major morale issues – show’s others (particularly new people) that you will tackle under performers but be fair in how you do it

E) You are setting standards – the above is how great businesses deal with their people




Sital Ruparelia

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