As you know, we are focusing on CRM – customer relationship management – this week. Marketing is everything you do to get them in the door. CRM is everything you do whilst they are there. CRM embraces the experience the clients have in the common areas of the building as well as the clinical areas. CRM is:
easy parking
an attractive exterior to the building
a concierge class entrance lounge and welcome area
patient toilets that have been cared for as much as other areas
the ambient noises – chill out music and other audio visual mood setting – art/photographs/flowers
interior design fanatically “on brand”
the leather sofas
the carpet/wood/tiles
the toilet seat, mirrors and lighting
the choice of hand soaps
the Dyson air-blade to dry my hands
the well kept magazines and newspapers
the way you answer the phone and handle enquiries and questions
the way you welcome
the new patient induction
the treatment co-ordination
the after sales and after treatment protocols
the way the team communicate with each other
the pride in work demonstrated by everyone, all the time, no exceptions
the direct advice given to patients who require leadership
the “ownership” of the patient experience that every team member manifestly understands and demonstrates in their behaviour.
Its not about the dentistry. CRM is about the attitude of your people, not their aptitude. I’m writing this during a trip to the North of Scotland by train. Earlier in my journey by car, I called at Hamilton Services, just South of Glasgow to fill up at the BP Service Station. The middle aged lady serving at the till used some time-worn phrases with me.
would you like a VAT receipt?
do you have a Nectar card?
would you like to take advantage of any of our special promotions today?
thank you for calling and have a nice day
Serving petrol – not complicated or perhaps exciting – and she must say the same thing as many times in a day as an air-stewardess demonstrates “safety procedures” in a year (and for a lot less money). But she owned that counter, she spoke to me with enthusiasm, kindness and eye contact and she made me feel appreciated by BP for buying my petrol from them – lets face it, an organisation that needs a huge shift in its PR and CRM over the years ahead. Well forget expensive consultants (like me) – take that lady out of Hamilton and send her on a world-wide mission to show others how to do a relatively menial task with the vigour of an Olympic Gold Medallist. She is a CRM Champion, one of Seth Godin’s “Linchpins”, an ambassador for her employers – more use than a thousand highly-paid executives, managers and advisors. I wonder if her line manager has ever told her? People like her need to be working in every position of your business – the quest is to find them – they are out there. I would put this lady on a dental reception in a heartbeat. I’ve had enough of hearing about staff members who bitch, moan and whine about premises, pay, patients, promotions, principals and practice. As of now – if you don’t like the job – bugger off and I’ll replace you with a petrol station attendant with the right attitude. There you go – I’ve just constructively dismissed about 60,000 people in UK dentistry – the tribunal will be fun. “have a nice day”