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a blog by Chris Barrow

Breaking news - does new The BUPA Dental Allowance disrupt the market?

Writer's picture: Chris BarrowChris Barrow

It's not often I break my routine and publish an extra mid-afternoon blog post - but our friendly local postman just knocked on the door and handed me two BUPA branded envelopes.

My existing BUPA health cover is due to renew on 1st August - first big envelope was the renewal pack.

Second envelope contained the letter and flyer attached below.

Introducing the brand new BUPA Dental Allowance.

You can read the small print later - but for now:

  • One dental appointment at a BUPA dental practice every year, free of charge (for everyone covered on my policy);

  • That can be a routine check-up, a new patient examination or an emergency;

  • For any restorative treatment, the receptionist will claim the first £300 back from BUPA - I will pay the rest if it exceeds the allowance.

I had to read that twice to make sure.

That's a free dental exam/consult plus £300 - every year, for every person.

Think about what it would cost your business to provide that and you will realise the investment that BUPA are making into attracting and keeping patients.

There's a list of treatment not covered in the small print - but it is still a very bold marketing move.

Your thoughts?

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David O' Malley
David O' Malley
Jul 16, 2024

Sounds a lot like the preferred provider scheme here in Australia. Are. Are the treatment prices set by BUPA at BUPA dental practices? I have heard that they are happy to run their dental clinics here in Australia at break even or even a small loss as offering dental incentives helps them sell more medical policies where the real money (profit) is


Jul 16, 2024

It was coming. I mentioned this colleagues ages ago.

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