7connections are assisting the team at Wimbledon Clinics (consultants on orthopaedic and sports injuries) on their business development. This letter from the Clinic may be of interest to someone that you know.. Dear Patient/Colleague: As Wimbledon Clinics continues to grow, a new post of Business Development Manager has been created – do you know of any individual who would be suited to this role? The Business Development Manager will ensure that all non-clinical aspects of the practice i.e. the business of Healthcare, are managed so that Adrian and Jonathan are free to concentrate on clinical issues and overall strategy. The duties will include:
Practice Finance, including day-to-day accounting and wages.
Financial Planning and reporting
Prepare monthly spreadsheets and financial information, including Key Performance Indicators, and present to Adrian and Jonathan monthly
Liaising with Accountant, Bank, Insurers and Solicitors
Supervising the Business Development of the practice
Practice Organisation
90 day reviews of planning
Review and develop current brand standards
Produce and maintain the Practice Operating Manual
Property Management – including maintenance, security and upgrading
IT and Technology management
Human Resources – personnel development and appraisal interviews
Organise and chair staff meetings
Planning and organisation of staff training days and outings
Compliance with Health and Safety, Employment, and other regulations
Marketing – external and internal – and strategic planning
Prepare marketing material – welcome pack, business cards, thank you cards, end of treatment letters, newsletter
Other duties as required. Flexibility and initiative is important and it is not beyond the Business Development Manager to change a light bulb if required. The person suitable for this position must have a great deal of flexibility and realise that the job description is an outline of a position which is new and evolving and will make that job description a work in progress, until fine tuned. The outline of the job will change as the practice develops. The key words for those accepting this challenge are honesty, reliability, spreadsheets, drive, energy, flexibility, change, attitude and integrity – all of which will be necessary. No prior experience of Healthcare is required. Good numeracy and excel skills are essential and a background in business desirable. The candidate must have high levels of self-esteem, be willing to undergo external training, be able to lead and motivate a first class practice team. Communication with staff, referrers, patients and support networks is essential and you must therefore be an articulate and effective communicator and professional in dealing with these groups in order to represent our practice. An attractive remuneration will be negotiated. If you know of any individual who would relish this opportunity, please ask them to contact us in the first instance through jon.barrow@7connections.com Yours Sincerely Adrian Fairbank and Jonathan Bell